Конфіденційність відвідувачів нашого веб-сайту дуже важлива для нас, і ми прагнемо її захищати. Ця Політика описує яку особисту інформацію ми збираємо, як ми використовуємо цю інформацію, як ця інформація може бути передана, а також який вибір і права ви маєте щодо цієї інформації.
Ми просимо вас ретельно ознайомитись із Політикою Конфіденційності. Доступ до нашої Платформи (https://drukarmy.org.ua) та її використання регулюються цією Політикою Конфіденційності. Відвідуючи та використовуючи нашу Платформу, Ви погоджуєтесь, що використання Вами Платформи або будь-які розбіжності та суперечки щодо конфіденційності регулюються цією Політикою Конфіденційності та Законом України «Про захист персональних даних».
We collect:
Account and profile information. When you create an account on the Platform, we collect information that you provide to us, such as your name, email address, interests, gender, age, and profile information. If you are a professional user, you may also provide us with information related to your business, including a description of your business and areas served.
If you select Products to order on the Platform, we collect certain information to fulfill your orders, such as your phone number and address.
When you conduct a transaction on our site, we collect personal information that you provide to us, such as your name, address and email address. Your personal information will only be used for the purposes listed below.
The curator of the product you order has access to your personal information. The printer who sends you products has access to your personal information.
Personal information provided to us through our website will be used for the purposes set out in this Policy or on the relevant pages of this website.
We collect personal data and non-personal information exclusively for the following purposes:
We will not share your personal information with any third party without your consent.
We may disclose your personal information to any of our employees, officers, professional consultants, suppliers or subcontractors as necessary for the purposes set in this Policy.
We may disclose your personal information:
Except for the cases mentioned in this Policy, we will not provide your personal information to third parties.
Your data is stored in a data warehouse in databases and applications on secure servers behind a firewall.
We take necessary measures to ensure confidentiality and non-disclosure of information about operations, personal data of senders of funds, and transactions. In accordance with the requirements of the international Internet payment security standard 3-D Secure, adopted by International Payment Systems, we do not require the entry of bank card details (card number, expiration date, CVV) from senders of funds on our site. When paying for an order using the LiqPay payment system, the card details are entered exclusively on the secure server of LiqPay (https://www.liqpay.ua) and exclusively personally by the sender of the funds.
We may transfer your information to our partners if it is necessary for the organization of manufacturing processes and the transfer of materials, components, and products. We ask our partners to limit the use of this information.
Without your consent, we will not disclose your personal information to any third party.
We may contact you to notify you about your account status, troubleshoot your account, resolve a dispute, collect due payments or contributions, collect your opinion using a survey or questionnaire, send news about our platform, or for another reason. For this we can use email, phone or text messages.
The site uses cookies. They are used to store and automatically send the authorization token that is generated as a result of your authorization on our Platform.
If you no longer wish for us to process your data, please write an email to [email protected].
We reserve the right to change this Privacy policy at any time, therefore you should review it regularly. Changes and explanations take effect immediately after their publication on the website. If we add significant changes to this Policy, we will inform you about the changes made.
If you wish to access, correct, amend or delete any personal information that we have, you can write to us at [email protected].